Use Where You Are!

There are so many ways you can use where you are to learn. Take what you see around you and ask questions. Possible questions:

  • Use your senses: what do you: see, hear, feel.
  • What is something you see that surprises you?
  • What do you notice? What do you wonder?
  • How many things can you count that are the same color?

If you want to expand on what you can see, use these questions/observations as starting points for learning more about it.

For example: We were traveling and noticed these bananas.

These do not grow where we live, so it lead to some interesting discussions. First, are they bananas or plantains? Next, what is that long flower thing at the bottom? How do bananas grow? Where do bananas grow? Thanks to the ease of google we were able to get some initial answers. And like most good questions, this lead to more questions.

Keep exploring and let me know what are some interesting things you have noticed around you?