0-20 Number Bingo!
There are several ways to play Number Bingo. This can be played as regular Bingo where someone calls out a number and then the players cover that number up. First one to 5 in a row wins.
Alternative 1: Before or After Bingo. A caller asks “What comes before/after a number and the players have to cover the correct number. Example: What comes after the number 16? So they would cover 17.
Alternative 2: Addition or Subtraction Bingo. A caller says an equation and the players have to figure out the answer and cover the correct number. Example: 15-5 = 5, so they would cover the number 5.
Coming Soon: Head on over to get your copy!
Lego Addition & Subtraction!
Do you have a pile of Legos? If so, grab some dice and you can play some math games! Check out the video: Lego Math Addition.
Coming Soon: You can also check out our sheet to record your moves. This adds some extra handwriting and fine motor skills practice!